Welcome to Submission Page of Theseus Open Repository of the Universities of Applied Sciences

What is open publishing or Open Access?

Open Access (OA) stands for open and free accessibility and distribution of information.

Open Access -publishing is a digital form of publishing that enables the publication to be openly available to both scientific and general audiences. OA-publications can be read, copied, printed, linked and used without a fee and without hindrance.

Theseus is primarily an open publication archive where works are stored as OA-publications. Author always retains copyright and author can grant users permission to share and use creative work with select conditions using Creative Commons licenses.

What are the benefits of open publishing in Theseus to student or researcher?

Here are some benefits of open access publishing:

  1. The research is more visible and available. You can link your publication to your CV, portfolio or for example Research Gate with a persistent identifier
  2. Search engines find Open Access publications well.
  3. Open Access publications get more references.
  4. Enables cooperation, multidisciplinary discourse and research-based innovation.
  5. The authors retain copyright of their work.

Finnish Universities recommend Open Access publishing to both researchers and students. Theseus was founded in 2009 and is the biggest open repository in Finland. In Theseus open repository, your publications are stored reliably.