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Parallel copyrights of work saved in Theseus

Have you checked that you have the right to save your publication in Theseus?

All rights to a scientific article belong to its author unless he or she has relinquished some or all of them to a publisher under a publishing agreement. We encourage researchers in universities of applied sciences to retain the right to publish their scientific articles in an open archive when signing a publishing agreement.

If you are unsure of whether you have the right to save your work in Theseus, please do the following:

  1. Check the publisher’s Open Access principles in the Sherpa/ROMEO service, which provides information on international publishers’ Open Access policies.
  2. If your publisher cannot be found in the Sherpa/ROMEO service, you should ask your publisher directly about its policy.
  3. Check for any possible embargo periods, i.e. the period set by the publisher after the issue of the publication during which an article may not be available for download from an open archive.

Discuss the matter with the publishing department of your university.